1 minute comedic monologues from movies

monologuedb: The Monologue Database.
Dramatic Monologue for Women - Mo'Nique as Mary in Precious.
Wild and Wacky 60 One- Minute Monologues for TEENs: 60 One- Minute. Barbra as Fanny Brice comedic female monologue in the film Funny Girl, 1968.
Mar 28, 2011. Coleman in a comedic monologue for teens in the film Freaky Friday. By what stretch of the imagination, I mean, like, how could I, like, get.
Collection of monologues for women and men sorted by Film or.
Aladdin Movie Monologue - ActorPoint.com.
It if always required to perform a monologue for auditions for all fall and spring shows. A one - two minute monologue, poem, or part of a song may be performed for your audition. Tips. Memorizing is only .. COMEDIC :: F or M. On the way to a.
1 minute comedic monologues from movies
Comedic Monologue for Teens - Lindsay Lohan as Anna in Freaky.Comedic Monologue for Men - Will Smith as Alex Hitchens in Hitch.
1 minute comedic monologues from movies
Monologue Archive.
Best Film Speeches and Monologues : Film Title/Year and Description of Film. Comedy monologues , one minute to two minutes, free for students and actor.